Mega panalo casino

Mega panalo casino


Account Security and Privacy

Account Registration: Username and Password

During registration, the user will be asked for pertinent information including a user name and a password.  Register a username that is easy for you to remember but at the same time has a high level of security.  The system will issue an initial password during registration, upon first log-in this password should be changed first to a more secure one.  Your username cannot be changed anymore once it is already submitted.  Be sure to keep your username and password confidential for your security.

Account Privacy: Security of Personal Data

Any personal information submitted by the user to Mega Panalo will be used exclusively by MegaPanalo.  All information of our users will be our sole property, Mega Panalo is obligated under law not to provide, sell or abandon the information to any third party.  In an case the personal data is not needed anymore, this will not be retained in our system but rather be promptly destroyed.

Bank Account Details

Mega Panalo platform will allow each user to bind up to 5 bank account details or bank cards, each bank card/account should bear the same account name but the account numbers should be different.  Remember that no changes can be made once the cardholder’s name is bound to the account.

Account Security

To ensure that the account security is in place, the user must do the following: a username and password that has a high level of security and unique, keep this confidential. registration, log-in your account and modify the initial password given by the system to a more secure one. is to immediately sent the password for your funds and then bind your bank account details needed to deposit and withdraw your funds. your password for login and funds securely – these are highly confidential. Do not disclose these information to others by any means or reason. on guard when opening sites from any of your devices (tablet, pc, laptop or mobile phone).  Make sure that your have a good anti malware software installed in these devices to protect your data from being stolen by viruses or trojan horse.
