Nars casino bronzer

Nars casino bronzer


Have you ever watched countless YouTube videos and read countless blog posts in which so many rave

about a product only to get it and be like "MehI don't get what the fuss is about"?

For me that is and still is NARS Laguna Bronzer, I have tried so many times to get it to work for me

and have come this close to bouncing it off a wall in sheer frustration.

It really all boils down to the fact that the colour does nothing for my skin tone which might be the case

for some of you nestling down to read my clearly riveting postsI kid obviously!

Out of the three bronzers NARS offer (yup three I was shocked too as all I ever hear about is Laguna)

Casino is the deepest and most matte in formula making it a great contour option for mid to deep skin tones.

Best summed up NARS Casino is a a true Chocolate brown shade with a slight yellow leaning

resulting in it overall being neutral and suitable for both warm and cool complexions.

The pigmentation is outstanding, with only one quick swipe being needed to contour and bronze

on my current NC35 skin tone, all the while looking natural and not caking 

or encouraging my skin to turn into an oily mess.

I have stated that this is the most matte of all three NARS bronzers but I do want to point out that it is not

completely matte there is a slight and very sheer shimmer element to Casino, it acts more of an illuminator

rather than a highlight element and is subtle enough to contour with.

In terms of wear I find this to stay in place for up to ten hours as a contour and around the eight hour

mark when used as a bronzer/blush - I always prime and have oily skin.

If you have struggled with NARS Laguna or have mid-deep skin tones and need a wonderful

bronzer then let NARS Casino be your next purchase!

NARS Casino Bronzer &#;24/8g via ASOS - link
