Olympus play casino

Olympus play casino


OlympusPlay Casinoのレビュー



Unlicensed - Scammers - Fake games with rigged outcomes

I have unfortunately used this casino for a while, deposited a lot of money here, they paid my first payout, it took 2 months, ever since I have not been able to get a withdrawal, even for a small amount, they just say it's with the finance department, they will lie to you continuously for months and never process your withdrawal, they might process a small withdrawal at first to keep you playing, but then they'll stop

  • なし、完全なゴミ

    None, complete garbage

  • 不正な結果を伴う偽のゲーム

    Fake games with rigged outcomes

  • ライセンスのない詐欺師

    Scammers with no license

  • 支払いは支払われません

    Payouts will not be paid

  • 理由もなくあなたのアカウントからお金を受け取ります

    Will take money from your account without any reason

  • ゲームがグリッチしてお金を取り、それからリフレッシュすると明らかに失われ、お金がなくなってしまいます

    Games glitch and take your money, then you refresh and you apparently lost and money is gone

  • サポートは無能です

    Support are incompetent

  • 財務部門は存在しません

    Finance department dont exist

Источник: thisisnl.nl