Rollbit casino

Rollbit casino


The Rollbit token (RLB) was launched as an integral part of the Rollbit lottery. There was no ICO for RLB. Instead, Rollbit have airdropped RLB for free to existing users of it's casino and trading platform,

The RLB lottery will drive the demand for the token, acting as entry tickets that give holders the chance to win a share of the casino’s profits. RLB tokens must be staked to enter the lottery.

The prizes will come from our profit sharing pool, where 20% of all the casino’s profits on a daily basis will accumulate over the course of each round.

By having a proven product and with Rollbit already running at a profit before launching the token, RLB provided utility from day one by being an integral part of the lottery, with prizes coming from a share of Rollbit's profits.

The supply of RLB is capped at 5 billion coins. To access the lottery, RLB must be staked in each round where half of the % staking fee will be burned (i.e., permanently removed from the supply).

Since each round will see RLB permanently removed from the supply, the number of tokens in circulation will gradually fall over time, helping to support value growth. The other half of the staking fees will accrue to staked Rollbots, Rollbit's NFT project.

When all RLB tokens are staked, there’ll be a burn rate of 45% of the total supply per year. As more RLB is staked, this leads to a greater reduction in supply as a higher number of tokens are burned to enter the lottery. And as demand increases over time, this puts upward pressure on the price of RLB.

Rollbit Coin (RLB) is a cryptocurrency that functions as a utility token within the Rollbit platform, a prominent crypto casino and trading platform. Launched in February , RLB was introduced to provide various benefits to its holders, enhancing their experience on the platform. These benefits include increased rakeback, reduced trading fees, and eligibility to participate in the RLB Lottery, a unique feature that allows token holders to win a share of the casino's profits.

The introduction of RLB did not involve an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or Over-The-Counter (OTC) sale. Instead, it was distributed through an airdrop to existing users of the platform, ensuring a wide and fair distribution from the outset. This approach reflects the platform's commitment to rewarding its community and fostering participation in its ecosystem.

One of the key utilities of RLB is its role in the RLB Lottery. To participate, holders must stake their tokens, which not only grants them entry into the lottery but also contributes to a profit-sharing pool. This pool accumulates 20% of the casino's daily profits, which are then distributed among lottery winners. This mechanism creates a direct link between holding RLB and the potential for financial rewards based on the platform's success.

Moreover, the supply of RLB is capped at 5 billion coins, with a portion of the tokens being burned (permanently removed from circulation) as part of the staking process for lottery entry. This burn mechanism is designed to gradually reduce the total supply of RLB over time, potentially supporting the token's value growth as demand increases and supply diminishes.

The Rollbit platform has already demonstrated significant traction, with over 1 million registered users and $5 billion wagered, indicating a strong foundation for RLB's utility and potential value proposition. As the platform continues to grow and evolve, RLB holders may find increasing utility and opportunities for engagement within this ecosystem.

Before considering an investment in RLB or any cryptocurrency, it's crucial to conduct thorough research and consider the inherent risks associated with digital assets.

How is Rollbit Coin secured?

The security of Rollbit Coin (RLB) is multifaceted, incorporating several strategies to ensure the integrity and safety of its ecosystem. Initially, RLB tokens are distributed through airdrops to users of its platform, which not only incentivizes participation but also enhances the token's distribution security. This method avoids the risks associated with initial coin offerings (ICOs), such as fraud and regulatory scrutiny.

To further secure the ecosystem, RLB tokens must be stored in a cryptocurrency wallet, providing users with control over their assets and reducing the risk of theft from centralized exchanges. The requirement for tokens to be staked for participation in the lottery system introduces an additional layer of security. Staking involves locking tokens in a smart contract, which not only secures the tokens but also contributes to the network's security and stability.

Security audits are a critical component of RLB's security strategy. These audits are conducted by independent third parties to identify vulnerabilities within the smart contracts and the overall platform. By addressing these issues proactively, Rollbit enhances the security of its ecosystem against potential exploits.

The implementation of features to prevent fraud and ensure responsible gambling is another cornerstone of RLB's security measures. These features are designed to protect users from malicious activities and promote a safe and fair environment for gambling and trading.

Moreover, the RLB tokenomics, including a capped supply of 5 billion coins and a mechanism where a portion of the tokens are burned during each lottery round, contribute to the token's security and economic stability. The burning mechanism reduces the total supply over time, potentially increasing scarcity and value, while also ensuring a continuous cycle of demand and supply.

In summary, Rollbit Coin is secured through a combination of airdrops, responsible storage practices, staking, regular security audits, anti-fraud measures, and a thoughtfully designed economic model. These measures collectively contribute to the robust security framework of the RLB ecosystem, safeguarding users' assets and ensuring the platform's integrity.

How will Rollbit Coin be used?

Rollbit Coin (RLB) serves multiple functions within its ecosystem, catering to a variety of user needs and enhancing the platform's overall utility. Primarily, RLB is the key to participating in the Rollbit lottery, a unique feature that allows token holders the opportunity to win a portion of the platform's profits. To enter this lottery, users must stake RLB tokens, which not only grants them access to potential rewards but also plays a crucial role in the token's demand and value dynamics.

Beyond the lottery, RLB is instrumental in reducing trading fees for users engaged in various trading activities on the platform. This makes transactions more cost-effective and encourages more frequent trading, benefiting both users and the platform's liquidity. Additionally, RLB holders enjoy increased rakeback, further maximizing their returns from activities on the platform.

The token also plays a vital role in the platform's liquidity provision. By staking RLB, users contribute to the platform's liquidity pools, facilitating smoother transactions and enhancing the overall trading experience for all users. This mechanism is vital for maintaining a healthy and efficient marketplace.

Another innovative use of RLB is through the RLB Lottery, where staked tokens grant users entry into a draw with the chance to win significant prizes. This not only incentivizes holding and staking the token but also adds an exciting element of chance to the platform's offerings.

Lastly, the Buy & Burn mechanism is a critical aspect of RLB's value proposition. A portion of the tokens used in transactions, specifically from staking fees, is permanently removed from circulation. This deflationary mechanism is designed to gradually reduce the total supply of RLB over time, potentially supporting the token's value growth as demand increases.

It's important for users to conduct thorough research and consider their investment goals and risk tolerance before participating in staking or trading activities involving RLB or any other cryptocurrency.

What key events have there been for Rollbit Coin?

Rollbit Coin, known as RLB, has experienced several significant milestones since its inception. Initially launched in February , RLB quickly became an integral component of the Rollbit ecosystem, particularly within its lottery system. Unlike traditional initial coin offerings (ICOs), RLB was distributed to users through an airdrop, rewarding the existing community and encouraging participation in the platform's offerings.

One of the innovative features introduced was the Bonus Battles, a competitive element that added a new layer of engagement for users. Additionally, the platform expanded its utility with the RLB airdrop, further incentivizing participation and investment in the ecosystem.

The RLB Lottery represents a core utility of the Rollbit Coin, where tokens must be staked to gain entry. This lottery is not just a game of chance but a strategic element of the Rollbit platform, with 20% of the casino’s daily profits allocated to the prize pool. This mechanism not only drives demand for RLB but also aligns the interests of token holders with the success of the platform.

Furthermore, the introduction of Challenges and Provably Fair In-house Games has diversified the ways in which users can engage with the platform, ensuring a robust and dynamic ecosystem. These features underscore the platform's commitment to fairness and transparency, critical components in building trust within the community.

The supply dynamics of RLB are also worth noting, with a capped total of 5 billion coins and a deflationary mechanism through token burns. This occurs during each lottery round, where a portion of the staked tokens is permanently removed from circulation. This not only gradually reduces the total supply but also potentially supports the token's value over time.

In summary, Rollbit Coin has carved out a distinct position within the cryptocurrency landscape through its unique integration with the Rollbit platform's lottery and gaming features, strategic supply management, and community-focused distribution model. As with any cryptocurrency investment, it's crucial to conduct thorough research and consider the inherent risks before participating.

Rollbit Coin analytics

